Monday, November 30, 2009

End of November/ 1/2 way done with class

Can you believe it we start on our fourth week tomorrow Dec. 1, 2009.
I have learned so much about Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and Ning. I have asked other staff members to read over a paper or two, and they ask me the same question I had to ask myself a while back "What's a Ning?" I tell them it's like Facebook and MySpace, but with out a lot of advertisements that seem to get in the way. I also tell them it's a great place to blog, to read other blogs, I also told them it could be used for education, if we weren't blocked like so many other sites we aren't able to use.
While researching the Ning site, I found so many blog that were meaningful. I found a blog about a magazine called "No Depression." I had never heard of it, but it sounds interesting I'm going to check it out some time soon. My 13 yr. old daughter saw and interview with Stephanie Meyer, author of the Twilight Sagas. She was excited to see that on the blog. I found information about Regional news reports from APR/NPR, other parts of news stories gave statistics about changes in the USA. The last two blogs I found were about the medical field and future employment opportunities. The blog about careers was interesting, it was giving a different twist on current jobs and ideas for future jobs. I like that because who knew we, my generation, would be using computers to communicate with people you wouldn't normally get to know or even take college courses online.
I guess, it's time to finish for the month and put away the Thanksgiving decorations. Can't put up the tree yet, as we are buying and putting in laminate flooring in the living room where the tree is to go. I hope to have it up at least a week before Christmas. We have the family (kids, grand kids, and parents) 18 in all coming for Christmas and that's a house full especially for our small house.
Enjoy what is left of class, and enjoy the coming season.

Nancy Zerger

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